A Peek into An Industrial Office Hideout – A Place to Rest, Sleep, Work, Drink, and Muse
Also, how can light influence your well-being
Designer :
Tristan Wu | Craftsmen Studio
Right in the mix of Jalan Pemimpin are rows and columns of unremarkable and dull industrial buildings. Filled with mini-factories and laboured workshops, the satellite of establishments looks better among the structures at the Tuas end of the country. Nonetheless, we were pleasantly surprised when we dropped by the vicinity to visit Craftsmen Studio’s work studio; a repository to rest, sleep, play, work, drink, and contemplate.
Qn: Why does the lounge space have much sentiment to you? How does it play an integral part in your daily life and work, and relate to the design of the office?
The studio was designed to create an impactful spatial experience through the play of light. Upon stepping into the office, visual attention is drawn to the hanging light bulbs lined up in columns and rows.
The "Public" area
This grid system helps to serve an important role in setting up the layout of the office. The middle column of lights with the bookshelves, helps segregate and define the “Public” and “Private” spaces of the studio.
The “Public” space consists of a cozy lounging area, where the interesting play of light continues with Oligo’s Trinity light’s pairing with Knoll Wassily chairs. The space also features the dining/meeting table and a pantry space featuring my (ever growing) toy collection (and drinks).
The “Private” space is where the creativity happens. It is also the space that gets the most natural lighting throughout the day, which creates the perfect condition for productivity and material selection. Both the work desk and material library section receive full advantage of the office’s high windows and abundance of light.
The "Private" space is where the creativity happens
Meanwhile, we got Tristan to enlighten us on spatial and interior design tips that impact light and influence well-being
Qn: What are some of the Do(s) and Don’t(s) when using electrical lighting sources or natural lighting to impact well-being?
Sheer Curtains:
Sheer curtains diffuse lights and provide privacy at the same time. White and cream base sheer curtains provide a warm and cozy setting as they diffuse natural light through.
Sheer curtains diffuse light and provide privacy | Oligo Grace Height Adjustable
Dimmable & Functional:
Oligo Trinity Light with dimmable function
Dimmable lighting is an extremely versatile and practical choice. You can customize the spatial quality and atmosphere easily by opting for a brighter light source for study/work or a dim light source that is conducive for resting and relaxing.
Cool or Warm, Never Both:
Avoid using light sources of different colour temperature in the same room as it will create a disorienting atmosphere and uneven colour rendition of the space.
Warm Food not Warm Light in the Kitchen:
With our new norm of WFH, many more Singaporeans are cooking at home. I always recommend a cool white light that is 4000-4500K for the kitchen space instead of warm lights as it gives the most optimal colour rendition and clarity for cooking and cooking related tasks.
Qn: There’s strong research that light promotes well-being. How do you (if) ensure this is incorporated when you conceptualize and design a space?
Light promotes well-being in primarily three ways. It affects us visually when it gives us a clear perception of the space around us and enables us to perform meticulous tasks effectively; biologically, as it influences our production of hormones, which in turn impacts on our sleep-wake cycle (the so-called circadian rhythm) and emotionally, as it affects our mood and overall comfort.
It’s important to understand the nature of natural and artificial light when conceptualizing a space | Oligo Trofeo (L) | Coelux Artificial Sunlight (R)
Standard Artificial lighting is not great for well-being when compared to sunlight. It tends to provide too little light during the day (about ¼ of natural light levels) and too much light at night. Overall, this messes up with our hormonal balance, which is likely to cause sleep problems. Try replicating sunlight variations in artificial lighting to create a lighting system that provides optimal eye comfort for homeowners, making the environment both comfortable and pleasant.
Oligo Kendo Floor Lamp is dimmable and has smart features
Also, I would consider the colour and intensity of lights with the use of 1) smart lights with integrated apps or switches to change the colour temperature, mood and settings based on different lifestyle needs 2) dimmable lights that can go from a bright lighting source for study or work to a dim light source that is conducive for resting and relaxing 3) dim to warm light that become warmer as the light source gets dimmer for most optimal lighting to wind down for the day.
Qn: What are some furniture or accessories elements that one can utilize to ensure elevated sources of light besides adding electrical light sources? Also, what are some decluttering tips to take note of when improving light sources and thereby well-being in any space?
Wall hung furniture is a great option for increasing light in a space. They not only make a room feel less cluttered and more spacious by creating pockets of space for light to travel through but are also highly flexible and functional.
Transparent design furniture and accessories are also very helpful in making the space feel brighter and spacious. Kartell’s signature transparent pieces provide the best combination for this moment
Kartell’s iconic Ghost Chair
When using feature pendant or wall hung lights, it is especially important to curate and find balance with its adjacent furniture or accessories. They should complement each other but not fight with each other for attention.
Feature pendant or wall hung lights should complement the furniture or accessories | Oligo Bel-Air Light Object & Oligo Glance Table lamp, Oligo Glance Floor Lamp
Also, avoid placing too many items around or too close to the light fittings. They may create undesirable harsh shadows and dark spots. They also will reflect the colour of the items next to it, creating coloured reflection that can be very distracting.
Less is More.
Qn: The Circadian system signals for us when to sleep and awake among other things such as regulating biological functions which maximizes productivity and sleep quality. How do you ensure the choice and type of lighting in a home-desk/study area and in the bedroom during the day and night?
For a home-desk/study area, I would consider these options for best ‘task lighting’- desk lamps, table lamps or floor lamps that use LED light bulbs - blue/white light that are both durable and energy-efficient. These options give a more localised light source that brightens the designated work area and provides just enough contrasting light for productivity, limit shadows and cut glare to prevent eye-strain and mental fatigue. The use of blue/white light also increases alertness and suppresses melatonin. Also, placing the desk lamp on the opposite side of the dominant hand enables the light to sweep across the study area without creating shadows for better visual clarity.
Task Lighting | Oligo Grace Table & Floor Lamps Place the desk lamp on the opposite side of the dominant hand | Oligo Kelveen Table Lamp
For the bedroom, I would consider dimmable lighting options that diffuse warmer light helping to flexibly facilitate activities like reading, watching TV or relaxing.
Oligo Glance Pendant is a dimmable lighting option
Also, I may consider accent lighting which on its own can act as a subdued version of ambient lighting, giving off a pleasant glow and creating a cosy atmosphere. Light fittings such as wall lamps, strip lights or creative repurposing of other fixtures and furniture are a few ways to incorporate this into the room’s lighting design.
Oligo Trinity Pendants are dimmable
Qn: Why Oligo’s Trinity?
Knoll Wassily Chair
When I first came across the Oligo’s Trinity Lamp, immediately I knew this would pair up perfectly with the Wassily chairs in my studio. The timeless design of Oligo’s Trinity echoes the design philosophy of Breuer’s modernist tubular-steel furniture collection. The chrome finish also brings finesse and classiness to the studio when pairing with the chair.
Oligo Trinity Lamp and Knoll Wassily Chair
I am usually seen sitting on this chair during breaks or when I need to quietly contemplate and find inspiration for my designs. The smart design of Trinity’s rotatable light segments and dimmer function creates the perfect combination for these moments. Easily dimming down for rest or rotating its light segments to provide optimal lighting for reading.